Return Policy

If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for us.

Not feeling satisfied with your order? You can easily return it for a replacement or refund (within 45 days of your purchase).

Why? Because self-care shouldn’t be stressful.

Unfortunately, this promise doesn’t apply to ordinary wear and tear or accidental damage to the product.


A warranty where everyone wins.

If your product is defective in anyway, you can return it within one year of purchase. Please check to see if your state gives any other legal rights. 


Never miss out.

Just missed a sale on Reach out to us and we’ll refund you the difference (within 14 days of your original order).


Send back a gift.

If you are returning a gift, please send us the purchaser’s full name, email address or order number. We’ll also take a screenshot of your receipt!


How to manage third-party returns/refunds/exchanges.


Looking to return or exchange a product you got from somewhere else?

Please reach out to them directly—they’ll be able to help you with your refunds and returns.

However, we offer a one-year warranty on all our products and will be more than happy to exchange your device under warranty with proof of purchase.

*Vanity Planet monitors the abuse of returns and reserves the right to limit returns or exchanges.


Return & Exchange Guide:

What you’ll need when filling out the form HERE:

  • First and Last Name

  • Your Vanity Planet order number (it starts with #VP)

  • Your email address (used to place your order)

  • Select Returns & Exchanges Subject

  • Include return/exchange reason in the message field